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Research positions:


Visiting researcher:


  • Postdoctoral member of the Iberoamerican Society for Bioinformatics (SoIBio).

  • Member of the Network of Structure, Function and Evolution of Proteins (REFEP).

  • Council member of the National Researchers System | Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT) | Mexican Government.

  • Reviewer of Journals BMC Evolutionary Biology, Biology Letters.


Given Courses

  • VIII Jornadas de Reproducción Universidad Autónoma Benito Juarez de Oaxaca, México. March 13rd- 15th, 2017.

  • International Workshop at Bioinformatics. Course on Filoinformatics. Center of Genomic Sciences. Cuernavaca Morelos. México. January 16th -27th, 2017.

  • International Workshop of Sex, genes and Behaviour. Center of Genomic Sciences (UNAM). Cuernavaca, México. August 23rd-24th, 2016.

Attended courses

  • Processing data with Python: Entorno y Aplicaciones. Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías y las  Comunicaciones (CITIC). A Coruña, Spain. March 13rd-15th, 2018.

  • Simposium Introduction to Bioconductor and NGS analysis. Instituto de Biotecnología (UNAM). Cuernavaca, México. August-November 2016.

  • Simposium Biostructure Modelling and Molecular dynamics. Instituto de Ciencias Físicas (UNAM). Cuernavaca, México. Febrary-June 2016.

  • Molecular Evolution, Phylogenetics, and Phylogenomics. Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe. Valencia, Spain. June 2nd-6th 2011



  • Department of Development Genetics and Molecular Physiology Seminars. Instituto de Biotecnología (UNAM). March 25th, 2017. Evolutionary history of Slo3 potassium channel.

  • Department of Development Genetics and Molecular Physiology Seminars. Instituto de Biotecnología (UNAM). March 26th, 2015. Oral presentation: Comparative proteomics reveal expression differences in proteins associated with sperm competition.

  • Department of Evolutionary Ecology Seminars. National Museum of Sciences (CSIC). December 19th, 2013. Application of quantitative proteomics on sperm from rodents with different levels of sperm competition. Language: Spanish.

  • Department of Genetics Seminars. Faculty of Biological Sciences. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. May 30th, 2013. Oral presentation: Influence of sexual selection on the evolution of reproductive proteins. Language: Spanish.

  • Department of Evolutionary Ecology Seminars. National Museum of Sciences (CSIC). December 13th, 2012. Oral presentation: Effect of sexual selection on the evolution of reproductive proteins. Language: Spanish.


  • Evolutionary Biology meeting. Marseilles, France. September 25-28th,2018. Oral communication and poster presentation. Selective pressures on cancer genes along mammalian phylogeny.

  • Portugaliae Genetica 2018. Porto, Portugal. March 22nd-23rd, 2018. Oral communication: Molecular adaption of Slo1 and Slo3 potassium channels.

  • Congreso Nacional Sociedad Mexicana de Bioquímica. Aguascalientes, México. November 7th-12th, 2016. Poster: A cytoplasmic Slo3 isoform regulates both Slo3 and Slo1 potassium channels in mouse.

  • Gordon Research Conferences. Fertilization and Activation of Development. Holderness, NH (USA). July 14th-18th, 2013. Poster: Sperm competition promotes a shortening of sperm protein CATSPER1 in muroid rodents.

  • Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution congress. Chicago, IL (USA). July 8th-12th, 2013. Poster: Proteins involved in sperm-egg interaction evolve more rapidly in mouse spermatozoa.


  • 2017: Two years - Postdoctoral fellowship. Juan de la Cieva Grants program | Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación | Gobierno de España


  • 2014: Two years - Postdoctoral fellowship. Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


  • 2009: Four years - Predoctoral fellowship. Research Trainee Program of the Ministry of Science and Innovation | Spanish Government.




  • 2018. Associated Professor. Department of Biochemistry, Genetics and Inmunology. University of Vigo.

  • 2016. Associated Professor. Postgraduate Program in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Instituto de Biotecnología (UNAM). 2016.


Student supervisor


  • 2015. Training of Biochemistry Engineering student Marco Antonio Chávez Tinoco from Instituto Tecnológico de Jiquilpan, México. Program for the strengthening of Research of postgraduates in the Pacific.

  • 2015. Supervisor in the final-year degree project of the undergraduate student in Sciences Karla Andrade-López at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM).


  • Interview "Charlas con cientìficos: Haciendo ciencia fuera de casa". Academias de Ciencias de Morelos, México (YouTube)

  • Coordinator in Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas IBT-UNAM 2016.


Wet-lab skills

  • Molecular Biology (Nucleic acid extraction, PCR, molecular clonning, quantitative PCR, amplicon purification, genotyping, Sanger sequencing)

  • Biochemistry (WesternBlot, Inmunoprecipitation, Proteomics)

  • Cell Biology (Cytometry, Inmunofluoresecence, Cell culture, Sperm Quality Assessment)

  • Molecular Physiology (Confocal Microscopy, Fluorometry, Electrophysiology).


Bioinformatic skills

  • Operative systems: Linux, Windows.

  • Programming languages: Perl, Python, R, Bash.

  • Supercomputing and Clusters : Slurm, Lustre.

  • Bioinformatic softwares: Evolutionary analysis software (PAML, Hyphy, Phyml, MrBayes PAUP, DnaSP, RaxML, ClustalOmega, ETE, TrimAl, MacClade, BioEdit, Mesquite, BEAST, MrBayes, MirrorTree, FigTree, etc.), Genomic analysis (Bowtie, TopHat, SamTools, R Bioconductor), biological databases (NCBI, Ensembl, UCSC).

  • Other softwares: ImageJ, CorelDraw, Inkscape, Office.


Spanish Native language.

English Proficient. Official certification from the London Trinity College level 5.

French Fluent. Seven years of learning in School and High-School.

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